Sixth Form Bursary

Caludon Castle School Sixth Form: Bursary Guidance 2024 25

What is the 16-19 Bursary?

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome specific financial barriers in order to reach their full potential. Caludon Castle recognises that we have an important role to play in supporting our students to overcome these barriers and to have maximum impact on recruitment, attendance, retention and success rates.

There are 2 types of 16-19 Bursary:

Discretionary Bursary—for students living in a household which is in receipt of benefits (Income Support, Universal Credits etc.) or a household who earn less than £17,500 a year will receive 100% of the bursary. For households who earn between £17,501 and £26,500 will receive 75% of the bursary.

Vulnerable Bursary—for students who are classed as being in care, care leavers, receiving Income Support, or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner, receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right. They may receive up to £1,200 per year.

For each type of Bursary, the student must be aged between 16-19 on 31st August 2024. Full evidence of income must be supplied as Bursary payments CANNOT be authorised until this is provided.

What should the Bursary funds be used for?

All Bursary funds should be used to support course related costs e.g. Travel to school, e.g. bus passes and travel cards, Equipment costs, e.g. books, stationery, free school meals, Any other educational support, e.g. attendance at university open days and interviews, UCAS application costs, etc. Students will need to discuss what they most need from their payments, so that the bursary funds can be best used.

They should not be used to support living costs. If you are having difficulty with living costs, please speak to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) as soon as possible. Bursary payments will not effect any benefits you receive from the DWP; they are paid in addition to benefits. However, you should declare them to the DWP.

What will I receive if I am approved for the Discretionary Bursary?

When you apply for the bursary, you will be asked what you will be using the money for. If you have expenses over the base amount of approximately £100 per half term, for the full bursary and £80 for the lower band based upon studying 3 or more subjects; you may receive more to cover these costs.

The base figure is based upon full attendance, on time to all lessons, tutor sessions and assemblies and being up to date with coursework and home learning. Deductions will be made for lateness to lessons and not attending timetable lessons, PD sessions, assembly and mentoring, non-completion of home learning and missing coursework deadlines.

Please note: Bursary Fund and Payment can vary. The amount of money we get from the government changes each year and so there maybe changes to the amounts stated depending on the funding received. This fund is also limited. Therefore, we cannot guarantee funding.

How do I prove my household income?

The following evidence will be required to prove household income:

  • A copy of entitlement to means-tested state benefit, or Tax Credit Award Notice confirming household income of less than £26,500; and/or
  • Evidence of income from self-employment, a P60, or 3 to 6 months’ worth of bank statements as evidence; and/or
  • 3 to 6 months’ worth of wage slips; and/or
  • 3 most recent monthly award statements for Universal Credit. 

How will I receive the money?

You will be notified by letter when Bursary funding has been agreed. All payments are made directly into the student’s own bank account, details of which must be provided when applying for Bursary. It is the student’s responsibility to inform of any changes to this account. Payments are made at the end of each half term.

If you have already paid for essential items, prior to applying for Bursary, please supply a full receipt and the money will be refunded to you, via your bank account (if approved).

When should I apply for Bursary?

You should apply for Bursary (and supply the relevant evidence) as soon as possible after you join 6th form, to ensure that you do not miss out on payments.

Application forms are available from the 6th Form Office or can be posted out to you, if you prefer. Please send an email to if you would like a pack posting out to you. There is also an application form and guidance on the website.

Application packs are also available on recruitment day.

Please complete the application form and return it with all the necessary evidence (as indicated by a star) and return it to Mr Knight. Incomplete applications will be returned and payments CANNOT be backdated.

Any evidence you supply (payslips/benefits statements etc.) are photocopied and returned to you. All evidence is confidential and filed securely. All records will be retained for a maximum of 6 months prior to secure disposal.

Can I appeal my funding decision?

If you disagree with a decision made regarding your application, please state clearly, in writing, why you are appealing and attach any supporting evidence. Please direct any appeals to Mr Knight in the Sixth Form Office.

All students applying for the Bursary will be asked to sign a declaration, agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Bursary scheme.

Please contact Mr Knight in the Sixth Form Office if you have any further questions.